Monday, 17 January 2011


My personal blessing for today is an on-going one. Chaplaincies in general, and my university chaplaincy in particular.

The first time I spoke to my college chaplain, I was having a bad day, in the middle of a bad week, in the midst of a bad month. I really felt as if my life was falling to pieces. And suddenly, it popped into my head that the place to go to was the chaplaincy, even though I'd never been involved with them. So I turned up outside the chaplain's office, which was shut, and decided to camp there until the chaplain returned. It just wasn't possible for me to be anywhere else. I felt like it was the only safe place in the world.

When the chaplain turned up, he sat with me, listened, let me cry, and then prayed with me - even though I'd cornered him half an hour before college Eucharist, not the best time. It was that kindness that made it possible for me to get through the day.

Our chaplaincy is a blessing that gives every day. It means there is always a place to go and just be, always someone who will listen and try to help or just sit with you, always someone who will join their heart with yours in prayer, always someone who will make you a cup of tea and offer you a biscuit! It is friendly, loving and prayerful, and a lot of fun.

So, I am thankful for this chaplaincy, its chaplains and the work they do, and for all those in universities, hospitals, prisons, airports, military camps and war zones, all over the world.


  1. Hurrah for chaplaincies!!! We're lucky to have such fabulous chaplains :-) I don't know what I'd do without them sometimes, and I send my students to them all the time.

    This blog shames mine, by the way, which tends to be a spasmodic rantfest!

  2. It does not shame yours, yours is hysterical and I love it! :) xxx

  3. I completely agree and understand, Martha. I always feel so welcome and so cared for whenever I go to the chaplaincy at King's, and I'm Muslim! I love the combination of warmth, humour, reflection, inclusiveness, tea and knitting, and I get such a good vibe from so many of the other folks I bump into. Such as you!

  4. The chaplaincy (and the chaplain) are among the all-time greatest blessings. They rejoice and weep with you and love you - so much of what is good about me now has been nurtured there, and so many of the people I love best came from there. It is the most life-giving place I know.
