Yesterday, on the first day of the new year, my dog passed away. He had been with me for 18 years, having spent his first year abandoned before we rescued him - just as he was running out of time and the SPCA was about to put him down. Max was saved, and though he was "only" a dog, his life had purpose and meaning. He was part of a plan, and his life has shown me how crucial we can be to God's plan, even if we don't know it; even if we do nothing else but simply live.
Max taught me so many things - even if it did take me some time to recognise some of them. He taught me:-
* That true love really doesn't think of itself. He was fiercely protective, and in turn, I would have done anything for him.
* That sometimes, love means letting go.
* To love with my whole heart.
* To always be happy to see the people I love.
* To smile a lot.
* Never to hold a grudge. (He was really good at this; I am still working on it!)
* To forgive, quickly and willingly - though that doesn't mean allowing people to walk all over you time and again. He was no pushover :)
* To approach each new day and every new experience with enthusiasm - even the walk he took pretty much every day of his life was utterly thrilling to him, every single time.
* To be grateful for the small things. I've never met anyone so happy to be given a single scoop of vanilla ice cream :)
* To show affection to the ones I care for, freely and often.
* To be patient (no one was as patient as Max waiting for us to finish what we were doing and take him for a walk / to the park / for a drive. That dog could out-wait the most determined procrastinator... And he was so patient when he fell ill it inspired me even while it broke my heart.)
* To be tolerant.
* To never give up, but to know when to let go.
* To be strong, but to know it's not weak to lean on someone else.
* To be brave, and it's ok to be afraid.
* To share, no matter how much or how little I have.
* To think of others.
* To be sensitive to how others feel, and to freely offer sympathy and a hand (paw) to hold.
* To just be there for those I love, unfailingly.
* To give lots of cuddles.
* To be humble.
* To trust and have faith. Max never doubted that I would love him and keep him safe. If my little dog could have such absolute faith in me, why do I have trouble putting my life in God's hands as completely and willingly as Max put his in mine?
* To be loyal.
* To never be afraid to show my joy - or to share my sadness with those who love me.
* To feel the wind and the sunshine on my face and rejoice, just because.
* To take pleasure in every meal, and just enjoy it for what it is.
* To get enough sleep!
* To protect and defend those I love.
* To live in the moment. Max had mastered this, and I think a lot of his happiness came from this place! This is a big one, and I'm going to keep trying because so much comes from this one thing.
* What you look like doesn't matter. It's what's in your heart, and in your soul (though Max was utterly gorgeous).
* What someone else looks like, how much they know or what they have really really doesn't matter - what does matter is their heart and how they treat you.
* Things don't matter. People do.
* To treat others with respect.
* To be silly sometimes.
* To play, every chance I get.
* To laugh, a lot.
* To be kind.
* To enjoy every day to its fullest, whether you are deaf, blind, ill, in a wheelchair or in pain. Max enjoyed life right to the very end, and se he got every last possible atom of joy out of it, and gave even more.
* To give more than you receive.
*To be thankful.
* To sit under the shade of a tree on a hot day now and then.
* To do nothing from time to time, but just be, and not feel guilty about it.
* To accept praise, attention and recognition without excusing it away.
* To accept love without minimising it.
* To accept that I am worthy of love without questioning it.
Just by living, Max taught me all this and much much more. Not bad for a little dog, huh?
My darling Max, always smiling |
At rest, in his favourite place, under the most fragrant flowering tree in the garden |