Monday, 16 January 2012

I choose gratitude

When I started writing this blog, I had nothing more, or less, in mind than gratitude. Simply to be thankful for all the good things in my life, each and every one of which has been given to me, directly or indirectly, by the grace of God. I intended to write as a reminder (mainly to myself) that even in a day that looked utterly dreadful, there was always something, if only a fleeting moment, that was good and wonderful. That  every day contained a blessing, and each day was itself a blessing.

Life is complicated though ( a blessing in itself, though if often doesn't feel that way), and it has been very hard at times to keep sight of the blessings, or, for that matter, to spot them at all. Illness, sadness, disappointment, loss, anger... they can seem so all-consuming, so much bigger than the little things that make us smile. But in the end, the little things are infinitely more powerful than any catastrophe that life can throw at us. Those of you who know me will know that I don't say that lightly, nor do I think that it makes the awful things that happen any less painful. Life hurts. But I thank God I can feel pain, because it means I'm alive. I thank God for the heartache, because it means I love and I hope. I thank God that even when I feel like I'm running on empty, my reserves are somehow replenished so that I am given the strength to carry on, and to do things I never would have thought possible. 

I thank God that I can get angry with Him, and I can ask Him "why?", and still He stays with me and keeps on loving me. I thank God that even when I handle my life and my self so badly, He forgives me and reminds me that His gift, once given, is for all eternity. I thank God for crying with me, and not minding (too much) when my prayers are full of complaints and requests and I might be forgetting to give as much as I could be. I thank God for taking all the pain I pile on Him, and for hurting more so I suffer less. I thank God for walking beside me when I wake and for watching over me as I sleep. I thank God for never giving up on me, even when I feel like giving up on myself. 

I thank God for loving me, which is the most blessed thing anyone could ever do.

Henri Nouwen writes, "Gratitude as a discipline involves a conscious choice. I can choose to be grateful even when my emotions and feelings are still steeped in hurt and resentment. it is amazing how many occasions present themselves in which I can choose gratitude instead of a complaint...I can choose to speak about goodness and beauty, even when my inner eye still looks for someone to accuse or something to call ugly."

I choose gratitude. 


  1. You blow my mind. And I don't think I know anyone else who handles themselves as well as you do, beautiful girl.

    Thank you. xox

  2. Excellent piece, and well written :). I was wanting to make some insightful comment but I think you said it all - nothing to add. Well done!

  3. Em: You know I love you and you are an absolute inspiration to me. Thank you so much for blessing my life xxx

    Mark: Your comment made my day, truly :) It's so nice to get encouragement like this! Thank you x

  4. I'm returning to this because you ask in your 'About' section for us to share our blessings.

    In your second paragraph you say that the little things are actually bigger than the big things which seem to consume us. It was a strikingly new thought to me and it's been working away in my mind since I read it. Today did not feel like a good day, and it was worse because I was ashamed of myself for reacting badly to silly things and letting them make it a bad day, when really my life is so good. But what you said rescued me...with your thought in mind, I looked at the trees and the sky. Just for fleeting moments through the day, as I got on with being miserable at work(!). What you said is true. I felt horrible all day. But at the end of it my enduring impression of the day is of the shapes and colours, the beauty and peace and life and air, of those trees and sky through the windows.

    They were my blessings. Today was a blessing. Your blog is a blessing. And most of all, you are my blessing. Thank you. Love. xxx

    1. This means so much I can't even tell you :) I'm glad if I could do anything in my own small way to make your day better in any way. You have taught me so much, and helped me to see so much. You are light, and love, and my blessing xxx

  5. So beautifully put I'm coming close to tears, my marvellous Martha. Love you - AK xXx

    1. The only reason it is what it is, is by the grace of God and the gift He gave me in the shape of beautiful people in my life - like you. Hearts of palm xxx
